While Women Work

I write for all you women, who want to make it to the top of your career and pursue your dream… and for all men, to understand what we’re up against. I’m not going to go on a feminist rant. My concerns are basic, real and influenced by some very sound and strong women across the globe.

Leaders in politics, Nobel Prize winners, Sportswomen, Scientists, Engineers  … it’s true, women have arrived! It is also true that we owe a lot to the generations of women before us, who paved easier paths for us to both dream of and be the achievers we are today.

Yes, we have indeed arrived. But how far will we go? And is there a limit? A few personal experiences say Yes, there is. Unfortunately, there is a limit, and that’s because a lot of us are either holding ourselves back, or not leaning in enough!

As much as Beyonce would have it the other way [ in her song ‘run the world-girls’ ], we still live in a world run by Men! Sheryl Sandberg [COO, Facebook] in her highly acclaimed book ‘Lean in’ highlights this, and points out to how the percentage of women in leadership roles across the globe is far less than we can imagine. I couldn’t agree more. Speaking of India,

  • Out of 323 total executive directorship positions (generally considered to be prerequisite to becoming CEO) on the Bombay Stock Exchange 100, just eight (2.5%) are held by women.21
  • In India, 12% of seats in Parliament are held by women

Common reasons: Is this due to misplaced or no ambition? or sheer lack of competency.. It could be all, and a dozen other reasons. It could also be because women are not taken seriously enough, or not given a chance. Point is, don’t let it be any of these. If you lack competency, work on it. If you’re not given a chance, take one.  Approach mentors and teachers who have. After all, there isn’t a talent or capability that cannot be improved. And don’t have someone tell you what you can and cannot do. Let that come from within. After all, who better than yourself to know of your capabilities.

Master the art of confidence: Yes, even if you are at your most self-critical, don’t let it get the best of you. It is because we hesitate to put that foot forward, ask that challenging question in a meeting, disagree with a majority vote… that we fail at voicing out! Many women doubt their own capabilities when met with challenges outside their skill set. Chances of a man taking up a task he’s never attempted are always more than that of a woman who may well possess a few required abilities.This is where we lose out on opportunities when compared to men.

  • My current job as Regional Manager for Plymouth University(UK)  was not a part of my long term plan when I started out. And the skills I’ve gained from this profile were not obtained in a day. It takes hard work and a whole lot of self-realization, but it’s not impossible. To quote one of my favorites: The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me’ — Ayn Rand

Accept all Appreciation!… even when you least expect it. You often tend to question your contribution and may even feel embarrassed when you think you could have done the job better. Thing is, none of that matters. A job well done is a job well done, and you must learn to give yourself due credit and accept a pat on the back! Likewise, you must never hold back from asking to be evaluated and promoted. If you feel you deserve it, it’s definitely worth going after.

Don’t fear Male dominance at work: there are countless stories of gender bias at the work place. More so if you work in a multinational corporate office! Chances are you’ve been a victim of discrimination, your work has been devalued or worse, not even considered. Some women fear competition from men simply because they are MEN and are physically intimidating. I’m not asking you to stop feeling all of this, but to get over these issues.  Work hard, let your work speak for itself and give you strength. And if you fail to get due attention, don’t be afraid to make some noise about it. Demanding to be evaluated and appreciated for your work is not a crime! If you’re working with the right people, desired results will follow.

Motherhood & Family: For those who work during pregnancy and after, this is the stage where you get asked ever so often, “how do you do it all” ? It is as though women were not meant to multitask and be good at it! While some women decide to take a break /leave their careers on account of maternity and other family responsibilities, many are forced to do so. And the impact of this can be tough on careers. This accounts for the lower percentage of women in senior management and sadly, there is no concrete solution to it, but to live out the ‘holding phase’ and bounce back to where you left off. On a positive note, and thanks to demanding women and many gentlemen in the work place, companies are working to provide a better working environment for pregnant women and new mothers. I know friends who enjoy privileges during maternity and a few months after, and it puts a smile on my face to know we live in a better world!

Don’t climb the ladder: – in her book, Sheryl Sandberg talks about how the Jungle Gym defines our idea of success , and how her way up to COO at Facebook has been just that. I feel the same about mine. Ladders are limiting. There’s only one way up or down, whereas a jungle gym allows you to explore unique paths and direct your own progress to the top despite occasional dips and detours. Isn’t this a more productive way given all the career changes and job switches we tend to make. It’s reassuring to know, that no matter what the journey, you can and will find your ‘happy place’ in the world. So don’t be afraid if you don’t have One Solid Plan, chances are, you will some day 🙂

Co-founder of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington says “I love talking about my failures more than my successes because I feel that’s the most important thing I can teach—failure is an essential part of success, because these days, no one has succeeded who hasn’t failed along the way.”

Dear ladies,  I strongly feel it is up to us women to stand by and work with other women to strive for our place in society and create a better place to work and live in, with due thanks to the men in our life who make this possible. 🙂

Yours truly xx

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