What keeps YOU going ?

It’s September and the beginning of a new journey for my students who’ve traveled to the United Kingdom (and Plymouth) from India to begin further studies at University. Numerous phone calls, multiple checks, tons of questions, last-minute doubts and a whole lot of reassurance has all come to a strange halt.

…is it over? Have I done my job? Could I have done it better?

While I wait for an answer to miraculously fall into my head , my phone beeps and behold! there’s a message from one of my students telling me he’s reached safe and is doing alright in a new country. A few minutes more and there’s one from another one telling me she’s so glad I helped and hopes we can stay in touch as friends … and that worried parent leaving me a kind note of thanks. This goes on.

I think about the past few months and how the hours in a day didn’t amount to enough, and the hour of day didn’t matter. Add some time zone difference (between the UK and India) and I found myself working way past working hours. But for what reason you may ask? The answer is simple – because I love what I do, and rightly so when what I do, could help shape someone’s life and career.

BUT has every favor, every piece of advice been rewarded with appreciation? Not necessarily. Sure, some important ones have, and unexpected ones have… in a manner that could only render the affirmative – Yes! This is what keeps me going… and for a long time at that! (we’re talking ~ 7 years)

I’m hoping most of you will relate to this great virtue called ‘Gratitude’ (to some extent, if not fully). How many of you have gone to bed smiling about that tight hug a student gave you in your class, the thumbs up emoticon from your manager on a job well done, or the thankful look on someone’s face from knowing their life was in your hands and you kept it well! Isn’t this a binding factor in the scheme of things that keep you going? If not, for how long can you imagine yourself running the evident rat race driven by power and wealth, without a friendly nod or a grateful handshake? Think about it in the still moments of your day.

And then sometimes, and for sheer misfortune, appreciation does not manifest easily for many. Lack of gratitude can be an absolute killer. It kills – your winning attitude, your purpose to do better and it most cases, your willpower. This could well be the case not only at your work place but even in your relationships. In such situations I think about the quote on my office white board that saysLook for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder!”

Many of us won’t look hard enough, but if we give it time, space and maybe some more hard work… that long-awaited thank you will find its way! And my belief is that it finds its way sooner to people who are generous enough to give it back in return. Being grateful helps clear your path for greater things and achievements. It changes the way you deal with challenges and makes for a healthier and happier life.


It’s been a while since my students reached University and are now immersed in coursework and student-life. Soon I too will be caught up with a new set of issues to deal with. Funny thing is, I still find myself checking my phone every other time to see if I have any more emails or messages asking for advice, telling me about their experiences.

I smile when there is, and keep going.